Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Converting from 2005 to 2008

1. Wizard
Tried the wizard and it didn't work. so the next step was to update manually

2. Created new project
3. Added the old files to the new project.
First mistake was to import all the vb generated .vb files. Particularly datasets. For each dataset vs created a designer.vb file which conflicted with the old designer.vb files. Had many error messages something like can't have duplicate attributes. Deleteing the old designer.vb files fixed those problems. I had the same problem with some of the vb files. The problem was when I erased the vb files, vs wouldnt recognize the datasets.
I started erasing the vb files in Visual Studio solution explorer and it was very slow. So I closed visual studio (2008) and erased the files from windows explorer. When I reopened visual studio however, there were still references to the files in the manifest and I had to erase the shadow files (all had yellow asterix, with tool tip telling me they did not exist).
Probably would have been easier to import just the xsd file and run the custom tool on each xsd file. (right click over the xsd file and choose 'run custom tool'.

4. I stupidly gave the project a new name when I created the project in step 2. I had to replace the old name with the new name. (Fortunately the oldname was only used in the application as the project name, so global replace was sufficient).

5. I have many crystal reports in my application, so I had to import all the .rpt files. They imported without any problems.


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