Saturday, August 13, 2005

Error: Cannot run 2 versions in same pool

My webserver is running both versions 1.1 and 2.0 on the webserver. I learned that all applications (i.e. directories) run in iis under an application pool. The pool is defined in the properties of the website. Separate pools must be made for 1.1 and 2.0 applications or will throw an error and stop the application. A new pool can be created from the IIS snap in and the applications can be assigned new pools in the property window.

This solved the problem.

SQL Attack

I had an attack on my webserver on the sql database. Blocking port 1433 at the firewall, stopped the direct attack on sql server. It did not affect the web site's ability to interact with the database.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

ASP.NET Error Server Application Unavailable

Browsed to web site which was working and received the above error.

Fix: IN IIS go to the ASP.NET tab and apply the correct version. (version 2.0 was listed for a 1.1 website).

ASP.NET Error Failed to start monitering file changes

Problem occured in manually creating a directory in IIS and assigning permissions.

Problem fixed when Network Service was given read/execute permissions to the folder